Hey Everybody!
I thought I'd use a front page to show everybody some epic animation. Okay, they may not be "masterpieces" but they are pretty damn good. I just wanted to remind everyone that there is more out there than Adam Phillips (I mean no disrespect, I love your work!!!) anyway here is the list, I'd include some other things but they aren't available for viewing on the internet. Enjoy!
Your face (By the legendary bill plympton(Almost won the academy award!))
http://www.sumo.tv/watch.php?video=279 2889
(Be sure to watch the whole thing
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuGaqLT -gO4
Insanely twisted shadow puppets
http://www.gagneint.com/Final%20site/i nsanelytwisted.com/main.htm
There will be blood typography (okay, not a masterpiece, just fun!)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q_SHlu 9haw
It's Jerrytime! (Because of the rad art style!)
Ninjai the little ninja (The newer ones, one of my old favorites)
http://www.atomfilms.com/collections/n injai/index.html
Terminus (like whoa man!)
http://www.spyfilms.com/#trevor_cawood /terminus
(As suggested my Matt-Frozenfire)
The tale of how
http://theblackheartgang.com/the-house hold/the-tale-of-how/
For the last one the animation may not be the best, but this is still one of my favorite animations.
Eleanor Rigby
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boc7rnh kLAk
oh and of course the classic monty python cartoons.
If you have any suggestions for the list, let me know!