it's a doodle, an experiment, IT'S SUPPOSE TO BE LIKE THIS! he was just doing a traditional frame by frane animation, like a flip book. It was practice, not a fulll product. Concidering the stuff you animated, I thought you did a really good job. Not every cartoon has to be a story, sometimes it can just be, I dunno A CARTOON! is this the greatest flash ever, of course not! Is this a bad flash, by no means is it! I applaud the effort, knowing how tedious frame by frame is. I have been watching TV and asking myself "Why is this animated, any person could do this." This is an example of a good ol time toon! this was a nice little experiment, keep up the good work!
PS: this song is a freakin classic, without it your grandadies wouldn't have been horny enough to do it with your grandma. (you never know, it could be true, (unless your parent is a test tube baby in which case ask yourself how did grandpa get the randiness to make that sperm? (Answer: THIS SONG!)))