Edit: NOW WITH BGM! provided by the amazing Gaero
Yeah there was a metal gear game for the Phillips CD-I system! No I'm Just kidding, It's The Speds on a Plane Submission for the Metal gear collab! We had to rush to meet the deadline (still waiting for the BGM). This is Jaspers work (one of the members) Luke Helped out a little but Jasper deserves the credit! If you want to see the beta verision of the submission Click Here Snake; The Faces of Foxhound
If you don't get the joke watch this
/* */
Umm yeah, we did it, we put a lot of effort into it, we do not regret it!!!!!!
Voices by Amos, Drew, Luke
Out apologies if the bad animation scares you, we tried to make well animated bad animation (feel free to give suggestions.
It's too fast. They need to talk slower.
hmm, I realised that too. The only problem is that I need to keep the time limit, and I really don't know a way to slow down audio. oh well :(